The Community Garden, located near the DPW garage area at the end of Hill St. has some plots available for the summer of 2023.  The plots are 5’ X 16’ and are well composted and ready for gardening.  Additional compost and water are available on site as well.  Garden plots are available on first come basis.  New gardeners will fill out a contract and pay a rental fee.  Once a gardener, the gardener has the first opportunity to continue using the same plot into the future at a reduced rental.  Gardening may start on May 1 and continue until October 31.  The rental for a plot for a first-time gardener is $20.00 for the season and interested gardeners may check plot availability by contacting the Village Clerk’s office at 315-646-3548.  If you or someone you know is interested in the community garden plots, please have them contact the Village Clerk.


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