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FAQ Topic: Planning & Zoning FAQ

How do I know what district I live in?

A Zoning map, which illustrates the Zoning districts, is available on-line from the Village website. Sackets Harbor Zoning and Subdivision Law – Sackets Harbor, NY (

What forms must be submitted for a Zoning Permit?

General Zoning application for activities outside the Historic Preservation Overlay District along with a sketch plan. General Zoning Application with site-plan review for activities within the Historic Preservation Overlay District.  A NYS Long-form Environmental Form is also required.

How long does it take for a permit and cost? Can I fill it out online?

A basic permit cost $35 and generally can be reviewed and approved within a few days. If the application has to be reviewed by the Planning Board- Please submit original and 6 copies of the application.  Applications requiring site-plan review by the Planning Board cost $50.  Applications must be submitted 14 days prior to a … Continued

Do I need a permit for a shed? A fence?

Sheds and fences are structures that require a permit.  Sheds must meet setback dimensions from property lines.  Placement should be illustrated on a site-map submitted with an application. Sheds and fences erected within the Historic Preservation Overlay District are subject to site-plan review and approval by the Planning Board.

When is a Zoning Permit required?

 Our Zoning Law states: “No building or structure shall be erected, enlarged or demolished, no use shall be instituted, changed, or enlarged, and no other action governed by this Local Law shall be initiated until a zoning permit has been issued.” In simple terms Zoning relates to use of a property and the footprint of … Continued

What are the zoning application fees?

Fees vary depending on the level of review. Fees are established to cover the Village’s administrative costs.  Current fees for “routine” actions/reviews are: $35 basic Zoning Permit $50 for a Zoning Permit requiring Planning Board or Zoning Board Review $85 for applications requiring both Planning Board and Zoning Board review. Complex reviews may have fees … Continued

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