Our Zoning Law states:
“No building or structure shall be erected, enlarged or demolished, no use shall be instituted, changed, or enlarged, and no other action governed by this Local Law shall be initiated until a zoning permit has been issued.”
In simple terms Zoning relates to use of a property and the footprint of structures on it. The control of uses, dimensional requirements, and basic design standards help protect the character of neighborhoods and the investments property owners make in their properties. Uses permitted in each Zoning District are identified in Table 1 of the Village’s Zoning law and dimensional standards are identified in Table 2.
Properties within the Village’s Historic Preservation Overlay District are subject to additional review standards to protect the historic resources of that district. With the exception of ordinary maintenance and repair, most cases of exterior changes are subject to review and a Zoning Permit or site-plan review and approval from the Planning Board.
Information on the requirements of the Zoning Law can be found on the Village’s Website, Sackets Harbor Zoning and Subdivision Law – Sackets Harbor, NY (sacketsharbor-ny.gov), Additionally I can help clarify and answer any questions regarding the law and application process, Jim Corbin, Zoning Enforcement Officer, zeo@sacketsharbor-ny.gov.