Youth Basketball Registration 

FAQ Topic: Permits & licensing

Do I need a Village permit for a new bathroom?

Generally speaking interior work/actions do not involve any Zoning issues.  It only becomes an issue if the proposed action changes the footprint of the building or outward appearance of a building in the Historic Overlay District.  Some interior work, like bathrooms may require a Building Permit.

What is the difference between a zoning permit and a building permit?

The Village only issues Zoning Permits.  Zoning Permits cover adherence to the provisions of the Village Zoning Law…Generally speaking use, footprint, and within the Historic Overlay District, the outward appearance and materials used. A Building Permit is issued by the County and makes sure the action is in adherence with the NYS Building and Fire … Continued

What are the zoning application fees?

Fees vary depending on the level of review. Fees are established to cover the Village’s administrative costs.  Current fees for “routine” actions/reviews are: $35 basic Zoning Permit $50 for a Zoning Permit requiring Planning Board or Zoning Board Review $85 for applications requiring both Planning Board and Zoning Board review. Complex reviews may have fees … Continued

Can I put a fence up right on the property line?

Yes, there are not setbacks for fences/walls, however, our Zoning Law requires that the finished side shall face outward, there are height and material restrictions, and fencing cannot be constructed in manner that can constitute a hazard.  Generally speaking it is advised that fencing not be placed within easements or right-of-ways or closer than 10 … Continued

What are the setback requirements for a shed?

Sheds require the same setbacks as the principal structure, except that accessory structures not used for human habitation, having a footprint less than 120 square feet, do not exceed 12 feet in height, or are not used for the housing of animals may encroach halfway into the required setbacks.

Can I have chickens in the Village?

In 2021 the Village Board amended the Zoning Law to address and put standards on the keeping of fowl in the Village. If your property is over 5000sq/ft in area you can have hens, roosters are not permitted.  Section 3-7, Table 2, notes how many birds you can have in relation to the size of … Continued

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