Welcome to our future website!

Posted on April 22, 2022

multiscreen homepage screenshot

Welcome to our future website!

As you can see, it’s still a work in progress, however, we’ve launched this test site, so we can build openly, iteratively and collaboratively with the Sackets Harbor community.


There are two phases to our official launch:

  • BETA: Get feedback from the community.
  • LIVE: Formally launch the official website (and continuously improve it)


What’s been done

  • Training and empowerment on new web tools
  • Organize content into a customer service approach
  • Prioritize plain language
  • ADA compliance
  • Predictive search
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Interactive get answers
  • Updated services information
  • Website encryption
  • BETA Launch

What’s up next

  • Iterate on BETA feedback
  • Add and improve content
  • Continuous improvement 
  • LIVE launch

Give us your feedback

As we build the new website, we want your input. Please share your ideas.

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