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Frequently asked questions

The Planning Board is appointed by the Village Board and consists of five members and one alternate. Board members are volunteers and they may also be your neighbors! The Board helps implement the Sackets Harbor Zoning and Subdivision Law which regulates land uses within the Village. It plays a role in how our community looks, “feels”, and at times, how it changes.

The Zoning Law outlines the scope of the Planning Board’s powers and duties. By far, the Board’s most common functions are:

  • Site Plan and Special Permit Reviews regulating specific uses in specific locations within the Village;
  • Subdivision Review for individuals wanting to divide a parcel into two or more lots; and
  • Acts as the “Historic Review Board” to evaluate the historic and architectural compatibility of regulated activities within the Historic Overlay District.

Basically, when a property owner wants to change the use, add on to their business or residence, build a garage, shed, or fence, all such actions require a zoning permit.

Depending on the property’s zoning district the Zoning Enforcement Officer may be empowered to approve a zoning permit with no further local reviews. However, some actions, particularly within the Historic Overlay District, may require Site Plan Review by the Planning Board to evaluate the proposed activity in terms of its impact on the community’s resources. In reviewing any application, the board considers public safety, aesthetics, and potential impacts on local resources prior to making its decisions.

Public participation and comment are always encouraged, through the public hearing process. The Planning Board meets at 7:00 on the third Wednesday of each month. Erika Maitland, the Deputy Village Clerk is the Planning Board’s “administrative assistant” and is an excellent point of contact for additional information regarding application requirements, meeting agendas, and related matters.

Current board members are: Mike Smith, Stasse Perkins, Merle Tousant, Dick Stephens, Janet Quinn, and alternate Craig Parker. These individuals serve the community throughout the year and are required to attend annual training programs. Thanks to this dedicated group of volunteers!


A Zoning map, which illustrates the Zoning districts, is available on-line from the Village website. Sackets Harbor Zoning and Subdivision Law – Sackets Harbor, NY (
General Zoning application for activities outside the Historic Preservation Overlay District along with a sketch plan.
General Zoning Application with site-plan review for activities within the Historic Preservation Overlay District.  A NYS Long-form Environmental Form is also required.
A basic permit cost $35 and generally can be reviewed and approved within a few days. If the application has to be reviewed by the Planning Board- Please submit original and 6 copies of the application.  Applications requiring site-plan review by the Planning Board cost $50.  Applications must be submitted 14 days prior to a Planning Board meeting (3rd Wednesday of the month).  A complete application and successful review/approval may be achieved within 30 days, it is rare that a review takes more than 60 days.

Application forms are available from the Village website.  They must be returned to the clerk with the fee.

Sheds and fences are structures that require a permit.  Sheds must meet setback dimensions from property lines.  Placement should be illustrated on a site-map submitted with an application.
Sheds and fences erected within the Historic Preservation Overlay District are subject to site-plan review and approval by the Planning Board.

 Our Zoning Law states:

“No building or structure shall be erected, enlarged or demolished, no use shall be instituted, changed, or enlarged, and no other action governed by this Local Law shall be initiated until a zoning permit has been issued.”

In simple terms Zoning relates to use of a property and the footprint of structures on it.  The control of uses, dimensional requirements, and basic design standards help protect the character of neighborhoods and the investments property owners make in their properties. Uses permitted in each Zoning District are identified in Table 1 of the Village’s Zoning law and dimensional standards are identified in Table 2.

Properties within the Village’s Historic Preservation Overlay District are subject to additional review standards to protect the historic resources of that district.  With the exception of ordinary maintenance and repair, most cases of exterior changes are subject to review and a Zoning Permit or site-plan review and approval from the Planning Board.

Information on the requirements of the Zoning Law can be found on the Village’s Website, Sackets Harbor Zoning and Subdivision Law – Sackets Harbor, NY (,  Additionally I can help clarify and answer any questions regarding the law and application process,  Jim Corbin, Zoning Enforcement

There are a few public parking lots available in the Village. The largest is located on W. Main St. There is public parking available at the Visitor’s Center located at 301 W Main St. Additional parking can be found around the public boat launch.

To find out the status of your property taxes, please contact the Village Office for up to date information or click here.

If you have been called for jury duty at the Town of Hounsfield Justice Court, you will report to the Town of Hounsfield courtroom located at 411 W. Washington St. in Sackets Harbor. 

There are two hospitals in the local Watertown area. 

Samaritan Medical Center 

30 Washington Street 

Watertown NY 13601



Carthage Area Hospital

1001 West Street

Carthage, NY 13619

Phone: 315.493.1000


The Village DPW schedules a yard waste pickup for the spring and one for the fall. The Spring 2022 pickup will take place on April 25 & 26. Leaves do not need to be bagged.

Generally speaking interior work/actions do not involve any Zoning issues.  It only becomes an issue if the proposed action changes the footprint of the building or outward appearance of a building in the Historic Overlay District.  Some interior work, like bathrooms may require a Building Permit.

The Village only issues Zoning Permits.  Zoning Permits cover adherence to the provisions of the Village Zoning Law…Generally speaking use, footprint, and within the Historic Overlay District, the outward appearance and materials used.

A Building Permit is issued by the County and makes sure the action is in adherence with the NYS Building and Fire codes. Generally speaking the County won’t issue a Building Permit without seeing that the proposed action meets Village Zoning.

Fees vary depending on the level of review. Fees are established to cover the Village’s administrative costs. 

Current fees for “routine” actions/reviews are:

    • $35 basic Zoning Permit
    • $50 for a Zoning Permit requiring Planning Board or Zoning Board Review
    • $85 for applications requiring both Planning Board and Zoning Board review.

Complex reviews may have fees that exceed these amounts and will have fees determined by the estimated costs to the Village.

The Planning Board is responsible for creating a list of acceptable materials and colors within the Historic Overlay District.  Generally speaking any color within the “historic palette” of most commercial paint manufacturers would likely be acceptable.

All fences require a permit.  A fence is considered a structure and the construction of all structures within the Village require a Zoning Permit.

Death certificates are available for deaths within the Village at the Village Clerk’s Office. Death Certificates are $10 for each copy.

In 2021 the Village Board amended the Zoning Law to address and put standards on the keeping of fowl in the Village.
If your property is over 5000sq/ft in area you can have hens, roosters are not permitted.  Section 3-7, Table 2, notes how many birds you can have in relation to the size of your property (most properties within the Village can have up to 6 hens).  Hens must be in a fenced area and are not permitted to run free.  A coop and pen are required and must be located in the rear yard, no less than 10 feet from property lines and 20 feet from habitable structures on adjacent properties.  Other provisions and information can be found under Section 3-7 within the amendment: 2021 No. 2 To Amend The Village Of Sackets Harbor Zoning – Sackets Harbor, NY (

Yes, there are not setbacks for fences/walls, however, our Zoning Law requires that the finished side shall face outward, there are height and material restrictions, and fencing cannot be constructed in manner that can constitute a hazard.  Generally speaking it is advised that fencing not be placed within easements or right-of-ways or closer than 10 feet from the road edge.

Sheds require the same setbacks as the principal structure, except that accessory structures not used for human habitation, having a footprint less than 120 square feet, do not exceed 12 feet in height, or are not used for the housing of animals may encroach halfway into the required setbacks.

In addition to the standard Zoning Permit Application a NYS Long-form SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review) form (Part 1) is required. Additional materials like elevations, catalog cuts of materials used are advised and may be required. Zoning Applications are available from the Village office or Click here.


Permits are required for the construction, enlargement, demolition of any structure or for a change of use of a property within the Village.  A “structure” essentially is anything constructed and attached to or on-top of the ground.  This can be a building, shed, pool, wall/fence etc. 

Structures and uses within the Historic Overlay District carry some additional requirements for a permit and review.  Essentially any exterior change will require Historic Review to make sure the work is compatible with the structure and surrounding structures within the district.

Zoning Applications are available from the Village office or click here.

View map of historical district borders. Click here

Arial Zoning Map



Outside the Historic Preservation Overlay District painting and roof replacement are considered maintenance and repair and do not require a permit.
Within the Historic Preservation Overlay District re-painting with the same colors is maintenance and repair, no permit required.  A change of color to a color from a pre-approved list only requires a Zoning Permit.  Colors not on the pre-approved list must have site-plan review and approval by the Planning Board.
Within the Historic Preservation Overlay District roof replacement with similar materials or materials from a pre-approved list only requires a Zoning Permit.  A change of materials or materials not on the pre-approved list requires site-plan review and approval by the Planning Board.

The Village of Sackets Harbor does not provide trash or recycling pick up. You can hire a private hauler or haul it yourself to the Jefferson County Transfer Station located at 27138 NYS Route 12.

  • Private Haulers
    • Jessman’s Trash Removal – (315)783-0966
    • Bait Barn Trash Removal- (315)921-1840

Jefferson County Recycling & Waste Management holds hazardous waste collection dates that are posted on their website  along with a list of acceptable and unacceptable materials.

The polling place for Village residents is the Village of Sackets Harbor Office located at 112 N. Broad St. Sackets Harbor, NY 13685

Voter registration is completed through the Jefferson County Board of Elections. To register, complete the New York State Voter Registration form and mail to the Jefferson County Board of Elections at 175 Arsenal Street Watertown, NY 13601

Pet licenses are available at the Town of Hounsfield Clerk’s Office. 

To reserve one of the Village owned park facilities please contact the Village Clerk at (315)646-3548

Unfortunately the Village of Sackets Harbor does not currently have a public swimming pool. We are lucky enough to have one of the largest freshwater lakes in our backyard though! A quick trip down NYS Rte 3, Westcott Beach State Park has a public swimming area available for visitors

For non-emergency police-related issues, you can call the Sackets Harbor Police Department at (315)646-2023 or email

To obtain a copy of a police report filed in the Village of Sackets Harbor you can call the Sackets Harbor Police Department at (315)646-2023 or email

To file a police report you can call the Sackets Harbor Police Department at (315)646-2023 or the Jefferson County Emergency Management Dispatch at (315)786-2601.

You can find the steps to enroll your child in school here

Jefferson County Transfer Station acceptable materials are listed here

Birth certificates are available for births within the Village at the Village Clerk’s Office. Birth Certificates are $10 for each copy.

Marriage licenses can be obtained at the Town of Hounsfield Clerk’s Office and online.

To file for a DBA, please contact the Jefferson County Clerk.

For more information on how to start your business, or questions about obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN), please visit the Small Business Development Center.

The nearest DMV is located on the 1st floor of 175 Arsenal Street in Watertown. More information can be found here.

By mail: Mail personal check, bank check, money order to:

Village of Sackets Harbor , PO Box 335, Sackets Harbor, NY  13685-0335


In person: At the Village Office during office hours with the following:

Personal check, bank check, money order and cash



Information on how to obtain a license can be accessed through the Watertown DMV

Quarterly water and sewer bills are available for online payment. Partial payments may be made ONLY by check, money order or cash.


Payment can be made several ways:

By mail: Mail personal check, bank check, money order to:

Village of Sackets Harbor , PO Box 335, Sackets Harbor, NY  13685-0335


In person: At the Village Office during office hours with the following:

Personal check, bank check, money order and cash


To Pay by Credit or Debit Cards, or Electronic Checks we use a third party processor.


The Municipal Code is: SacketsHarborNY685

You will also need to know your account number.

Click to pay bill


The Village of Sackets Harbor Zoning Law can be quite lengthy depending upon where you reside. There are certain restrictions in place for the Historic District as well as the Village Core and the Historic Overlay. Please contact our Zoning Enforcement Officer so specific zoning questions.


LAW #2 OF 2001



Section 1.        PURPOSE. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Sackets Harbor finds that the running at large and other uncontrolled behavior of licensed and unlicensed dogs have caused physical harm to persons, damage to property and have created nuisances with the Village. The purpose of this Local Law is to protect the health, safety and well-being of persons and property by imposing restrictions on the keeping and running at large of dogs within the Village.


Section 2.         AUTHORITY. This Local Law is enacted pursuant to the provision of Section. 124 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York.


Section 3.         TITLE. The title of this Local Law shall be, “Dog Control Law of the Village of Sackers Harbor”.


Section 4.         APPLICATION. This law shall apply throughout the geographical boundaries of the Village of Sackers Harbor. This law shall not apply to those persons and entities identified and exempt pursuant to the provisions of Agriculture and Markets Law Section 107, subparagraphs 3 and 4.


Section 5.         DEFINITION OF TERMS. As used in this Local Law, the following words shall have the following respective meanings:


a)         “Agriculture and Markets Law” means the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York.


b)         “Dangerous dog” means any dog which (a) without justification attacks a person and causes physical injury or death, or (b) poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of harm to one or more persons, or (c) without justification attacks a service dog, guide dog or hearing dog and causes physical injury or death.


(c)        “Dog” means male and female, licensed and unlicensed, members of the species Canis familaris.


(d)        “Dog control officer” means any individual appointed by the village Board of Trustees to assist in the enforcement of this law and Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law or any authorized officer, agent or employee of an incorporated

humane society or similar incorporated dog protective association, or other municipality under contract with the Village to assist in the enforcement of this law and Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.


(e)        “Domestic animal” means any domesticated sheep, horse, cattle, fallow deer, red deer, sika deer, whitetail deer which is raised under license from the department of environmental conservation, llama, goat, swine, fowl, duck, goose, swan, turkey, confined domestic hare or rabbit, pheasant or other bird which is raised in. confinement under license from the state department of environmental conservation before release from captivity, except that the varieties of fowl commonly used for cock fights shall not be considered domestic animals for the purposes of this article.


(f)         “Harbor” means to provide food or shelter to any dog.


(g)        “Identification tag” means a tag which sets forth an official identification number as required by the provisions of this article.


(h)        “Identified dog” means any dog carrying an identification tag as provided in section one hundred twelve of this article.


(i)         “Owner” means any person who harbors or keeps any dog. Any person harboring or owning a dog for a period of one (1) week prior to the filing of any complaint charging a violation of this Local Law or the Agriculture and Markets Law shall be held and deemed to be the owner of such dog, in the event the owner of such dog found to be in violation of this chapter shall be. under eighteen years of age, the head of the household in which said minor resides shall be deemed to have custody and control of said dog and shall be responsible for any acts of the said dog and violation of this Local Law or the Agriculture and Markets Law.


(j)         “Owner of record” means the person in whose name any dog was last licensed pursuant to either subdivision one or subdivision two of section one hundred nine of this article, except that if any license is issued on application of a person under eighteen years of age, the owner of record shall be deemed to be the parent or guardian of such person. If it cannot be determined in whose name any dog was last licensed or if the owner of record has filed a statement pursuant to the provisions of section one hundred thirteen of this article, the owner shall be deemed to be the owner of record of such dog, except that if the owner is under eighteen years of age, the owner of record shall be deemed to be the parent or guardian of such person.


(k)        “Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, association or other organized group of persons, municipality, or other legal entity.


(l)         “Recreational areas” mean any real property owned by or under the jurisdiction and control of the Village which is used for recreational purposes by the public including, but not limited to, parks or playgrounds.


(m)       “Run at large” means to be in a public place or be on private lands without the knowledge, consent and approval of the owner of such lands.


(n)        “Village” means the Village of Sackers Harbor.


Section 6 – RESTRICTIONS.  It shall be unlawful for any owner of any dog in the Village to permit or allow such dog to:


(a)        Run at large unless the dog is restrained by an adequate leash or unless it is accompanied by its owner or a responsible person and under the full control of such owner or person;


(b)        Engage in habitual loud howling, barking, crying or whining or conduct itself in such a manner so as to unreasonably and habitually disturb the comfort or repose of any person other than the owner of such dog;


(c)        Uproot, dig, or otherwise damage any vegetables, lawns, flowers, garden beds, or other property without the consent or approval of the owner thereof;


(d)        Chase, jump upon or at or otherwise harass any person in such a manner as to reasonably cause intimidation or fear or to put such person in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm or injury;


(e)        Chase, jump upon or at, worry or otherwise harass any domestic animal;


(f)         Chase, run alongside of or bark at motor vehicles, motorcycles or bicycles while on a public street, highway or place, or upon private property without the consent or approval of the owner of such property;


(g)        Create a nuisance by causing, allowing or permitting the accumulation of dog feces on a property which results in a foul or nauseating odor or unsightly condition which makes travel or residence in the vicinity uncomfortable, or which attracts flies or other insects or animals thereby creating an unsanitary condition which may endanger the public health, safety, welfare, public comfort or repose;


(h)        If a female dog when in heat, be off the owner’s premises unrestrained by a leash.


Section 7 – DOG CONTROL OFFICERS. Dog Control Officers shall have all the powers and duties set forth in Section 114 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.


Section 8. SEIZURE OF DOGS. Seizure and redemption of a dog, and fees charged therefore or associated therewith, shall be pursuant to Section 118 of the Agriculture and Markets Law.


(a)        The Dog Control Officer or a Peace Officer having reasonable cause to believe that a person, has violated this Local Law or Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law shall issue and serve upon such person an appearance ticket for such violation. The appearance ticket shall be in the form prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Law of the State of New York. An answer to such appearance ticket shall be made by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, in lieu of a personal appearance on the return date at the time and court specified in the appearance ticket.


(b)        The Dog Control Officer or a Peace Officer may seize a dog found in violation of Section 118 of the Agriculture and Markets Law or paragraph (a) Section 6 of this Local Law. Such seized dog shall be kept and disposed of in accordance with the provision of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law. The Dog Control Officer or peace officer may also investigate and report to a Municipal Justice having jurisdiction any dangerous dog, as described in Section 121 of the Agriculture and Markets Law, and see that the order of the Justice in. such case is carried out.


(c)        Any person who observes a dog in violation of this Local Law or Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law may file a complaint under oath with a Municipal Justice having jurisdiction specifying the nature of the violation, the date thereof, a description of the dog and the name and residence, if known, of the owner of such a dog. Such complaint may serve as the basis for enforcing the provisions of this Local Law.


Section 9. PENALTIES.  Any person convicted of a violation of this Local Law shall be fined Fifty and 00/i00 Dollars ($50.00) for a first violation, One hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($100.00) for a second violation within sixty consecutive months, and Two Hundred and Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($250.00) for each subsequent violation within sixty consecutive months.


Section 10. SEPARABILITY. Each separate provision herein, and if any provision shall be deemed or declared invalid, all other provisions hereof shall remain valid and enforceable.


Section 11. REPEALER. This Local Law shall supersede all prior local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations relative to the control of dogs within the Village of Sackets Harbor and they shall be, upon the effectiveness of this Local Law, null and void.


Section 12. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.

If you have a housing code concern, you may contact the Jefferson County Code Enforcement

A copy of the municipal codes can be obtained by contacting the Village Office or requesting in person. We do have the Village of Sackets Harbor Zoning Laws available digitally.

Parking tickets issued within the Village of Sackets Harbor are payable to the Town of Hounsfield Justice Court. For more information about acceptable forms of payment, click here.

Traffic and parking tickets issued within the Village of Sackets Harbor are processed through the Town of Hounsfield Justice Court. For more information, please click here

Village position vacancies are posted both on our website and through the NYS jobs board. You can pick up an application at the Village Office or download one here 

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