Village of Sackets Harbor & Town of Hounsfield
In honor of those who have served, the Village of Sackets Harbor are displaying military heritage banners on utility poles in the spring and summer, continuing a community tradition.
If you’d like to honor someone who has served their country with a banner, please complete this application form and submit a photo of the honoree. Photos should be professionally printed originals or digital images saved as JPGs/JPEGs at 300 dpi or higher.
The cost of a banner is $175. Payment will not be accepted until February 1.
Forms and photos may be submitted via email at or via our website:
To submit a completed paper form and a physical photo, please mail them to or drop them off at:
Sackets Harbor Village Clerk. Sackets Harbor Visitor Center
112 N Broad St / PO Box 335 301 W Main St / PO Box 335
Sackets Harbor, NY 13685 Sackets Harbor, NY 13685
(Open M–F, 9 am to 4:30 pm, year-round) (Open S & S, 11 am to 4 pm; May thru Oct)
Please note, the number of banners produced may be limited by the number of available utility poles. Additionally, banners are made in the order that completed applications are received. An application is only considered complete when we’ve received a completed form AND a photo.
No banner will be ordered unless a form, photo, and full payment is received by Mar. 1, 2024.