Youth Basketball Registration 

2006 – No.1 – Amending LL #1 of 1988 Subdivision Control Law


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LAW #1 OF 2006 AMENDING LL #1 OF 1988

Section 1 . Local Law #1 of the Year 1988, as amended, the Subdivision Control Law of the Village of Sackets Harbor, New York is amended to read, in part, as provided below.

Section 2. Section 505, Street Design Standards, is amended, in part, to read as follows:

A) The first paragraph of Section 505 is amended to read as follows;

Conformity with the General Plan. The arrangement, width, location and extent of all major streets and minor streets shall conform and be in harmony with any official map adopted pursuant to Article 7 of the Village Law, and the General Plan. The intent of this Local Law, the Village of Sackets Harbor Zoning Law, any other relevant Local Laws of the Village and any officially adopted map of the Village are collectively referred to herein as the General Plan. Streets not in the General Plan shall conform to the recommendation of the Planning Board based on existing and planned streets, topography, public safety, convenience and proposed uses of land. The Superintendent of the Department of Public Works and Village Engineer shall be consulted by the Planning Board for an advisory opinion before the approval of any new street.

B) Delete the second paragraph, Arrangements, in its entirety.

C) The fifth paragraph, Dead End Streets, is amended to read as follows:

Street Layout. It is the stated general policy of the Village that all new streets should be laid out and arranged to provide for a grid pattern of streets which provide for connections of all existing, new and potential future streets that allows a means of accessing and developing in the future underdeveloped and undeveloped land adjoining or near the proposed subdivision. The use of permanent Dead End streets is strongly discouraged. All streets shall be arranged and lid out in such a manner as to allow snow plowing and other maintenance to be performed within the proposed street right-of-way with relative ease. The Planning Board shall refer the proposed layout of all streets to the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works and Village Engineer for their review and comment prior to granting preliminary or final plat approval, but may in its discretion act on such approvals if the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works and Village Engineer fail to comment on said proposed street layouts within seven (7) days of the Planning Board’s referral. All street right-of-ways shall be a minimum width of fifty (50) feet, unless after issuing specific written findings of fact by the Planning Board, that would support a conclusion by the Planning Board that such a proposed lesser width will not have present or future adverse impacts on use of the right-of-way by the traveling public, the location and maintenance of any infrastructure located in or adjacent to the street right-of-way, drainage of the proposed lots and street rights-of-way, or limit the. feasibility of developing and subdividing other parcels of land adjacent to or otherwise potentially affected by the proposed subdivision.

Section 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State.

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