1999 – No.1 – Amending Local Law No. 2 of the year 1988, providing for an update of the Planned Development District


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Village of Sackets Harbor
Local Law No. 1 of the Year 1999

A local law amending Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1988, providing for an update of the Madison Barracks Planned Development District.

Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Sackets Harbor as follows:

Section 1. Local Law No. 2 of the year 1988, the Village of Sackets Harbor Zoning Law, as amended, is hereby amended in part to amend Section 4-7; to provide for an update to the Planned Development District commonly known as Madison Barracks to read as follows:

Section 4-7. Planned Development District – Madison Barracks.

A) The purpose of this section is to provide for a revision and update of the Planned Development District.

B) The uses allowed, property lines, parcels and location of all roads, water, sewer, solid waste facilities are as set forth on the following drawings and plans, copies of which are on file with the Village Clerk and are hereby incorporated as part of this Local Law:

1) Revise Planned Development Drawing and Subdivisions, Madison Barracks Complex, Village of Sackers Harbor, Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, New York Drawing, dated 12/8/86 and last revised 06/07/01 by GYMO Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Inc., P.C., signed and sealed by Leo F. Gozalkowski, LLS No. 047408;

•2) Detail Sheet: Parcels R, RI, R2, Madison Barracks Complex, Village of Sackets Harbor, Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, New York, dated March 05, 1999 by GYMO Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Inc., P.C., signed and sealed by Leo F. Gozalkowski, LLS No. 047408;

3) Detail Sheet: Parcels A, Jl, J, Madison Barracks Complex, Village of Sackets Harbor, Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, New York, dated March ii, 1999 by GYMO Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Inc., P.C., signed and sealed by Leo F. Gozalkowski, LLS No. 047408;

4) Road Network Drawing, Madison Barracks Complex, Village of Sackets Harbor, Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, New York, dated 12/8/98 by GYMO Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Inc., P.C., signed and sealed by Leo F. Gozalkowski, LLS No. 047408, except the area of Pike Road on the nine lot subdivision called Bayview Estates is eliminated; and

5) Three sheets of Drawings entitled “Mortgage Survey”, dated June 22, 1998 last revised 8-31-98; Site Plan Marina at Madison Barracks Complex, Village of Sackets Harbor, Jefferson Co., dated May 5, 1998 and last revised 8-31-98; and Misc. Sheet, Madison Barracks dated 8/5/98 last revised 8/31/98 all by Stanford J. Zeccolo LLS No. 40531.

(Collectively all the foregoing paragraphs 1-5 above “The Plans”)

C) The area requirements and lot dimensions for the nine lot for single gamily home sites shown and depicted on the plans, are hereby approved by the Board of Trustees as required by the Subsection 4-6 C. However, said proposed nine lot single family home sites shall be subject to subdivision review and approval by the Planning Board under the Village’s Subdivision Control Law and all construction on said lots shall be subject to site plan review and approval pursuant to Article VII.

D) Single family residential homes are the permitted use for parcels Q, X and N, but only after subdivision review and approval under the Subdivision Control Law and approval under Subsection 4-6 C by the Board of Trustees. The proposed lot lines and proposed roads on parcel X on the Plans are illustrative only, except for the proposed road, to be dedicated to the Village if parcel X is approved for subdivision under the Subdivision Control Law and Subsection 4-6 C.

E) The following parcels and buildings require approvals under Subsection 4 – 6 C and Article VII, Site Plan Review, prior to the issuance of a zoning permit:

Parcel A
Parcel B
Parcel M
Parcel R-2
Buildings 35, 37, 40, 58, 82, 135

Section 2 This Local Law is adopted pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law. In accordance with Section 22 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, it is determined that any procedural or substantive provisions of this Local Law which are inconsistent with Local Law No. 1 of the Year 1988, the Subdivision Control Law of the Village of Sackets Harbor, New York, including Section 160 thereof; Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1988, as amended, the Village of Sackets Harbor, including Section 4 – 6 and Article VII thereof; Village Law Sections 7-706, 7-708, 7-728 and 7-730, those inconsistent provisions are hereby superseded.

Section. 4. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State, providing the Village Clerk proof of recording the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office a fully executed Master Easement Agreement dated as of March 1, 1999, a copy of which is on file with the Village Clerk and Madison Barracks Associates, Fort Pike Associates, Lakeview Homes, LP and Harborview Homes, LP executing and entering into an additional infrastructure agreement acceptable to the Village.

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