1991 – No.1 – Establishing Revised Sewer Rates

LAW #1 OF 1991

Section 1
Local Law #2 of the Year 1990 is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 6

The classification of units and the pecuniary quarterly rates are as follows:

1. One family residence, apartment and mobile home 1 Unit = $50.00
2. Each additional apartment ¾ Unit = $37.50
3. Building lots in served areas ¼ Unit = $12.50
4. Churches, Lodges, Fraternities 1 Unit = $50.00
5. Restaurants, Taverns, etc.

– Hotel w/restaurant and bar 7 Units = $350.00
– Restaurant and bar 3 Units = $150.00
– Restaurant w/o bar 2 Units = $100.00
– Bar w/o restaurant 2 Units = $100.00
– Boarding house 1 ½ Units = $75.00
– Motel and cabins, 6 units or less 1 ½ Units = $75.00
add for each additional unit ¼ Unit = $12.50

6. Commercial use including retail stores 1 Unit = $50.00
– Gas station 1 Unit = $50.00
add for each washing stall 1 Unit = $50.00
– Laundromat – 1st washer 1 Unit = $50.00
add for each additional washer ¼ Unit = $12.50
– Marina w/o boat waste facility 1 Unit = $50.00
– Marina with boat waste facility 2 Units = $100.00

7. Public school 20 Units = $1,000.00

8. Municipal Building 2 Units = $100.00

9. Other public buildings 1 Unit = $50.00

Exceptions: Hay Memorial Library ¼ Unit = $12.50
Pickering Beach Museum ¼ Unit = $12.50

10. Industrial establishments – 1 unit for every
15 employees (minimum 1 unit) 1 Unit = $50.00

11. Any use not listed as determined by Board of Trustees.

Section 2.
Local Law #2 of the Year 1990, Section 8 is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 8. In the event that the quarterly sewer rents are not paid when due, the Treasurer shall assess a penalty of 10 percent per quarter, or any part hereof, to the outstanding balance. Any penalties so assessed shall become part of the sewer rents owed.

Section 3.

This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.

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