1978 – No.2 – Sewer User Charge

Section 1

To insure the proper operation, repair and maintenance, it shall be the policy of the Village to establish and impose a scale of annual charges for the use of the sewer system or any part or parts thereof.

Section 2

Definitions: As used in this Local Law, the following terms shall mean and include:

a. The term Sewer Rent shall mean the rent, rate or charge imposed or levied
by the Village for the use of the sewer system or any part or parts thereof.

b. The Village does hereby establish and impose a scale of sewer rents for the service rendered by the sewer system to the real property connected and served by the sewer system upon the basic of one unit of sewer rent for each twelve months of use of the sewer system or any part thereof.

WHEREAS: The classification of units are as follows:

1. One family residence, apartment and mobile home 1 Unit
2. Each additional apartment ¾ Unit
3. Building lots in served areas ¼ Unit
4. Churches, Lodges, Fraternities 1 Unit
5. Restaurants, Taverns, etc.

– Hotel w/restaurant and bar 7 Units
– Restaurant and bar 3 Units
– Restaurant w/o bar 2 Units
– Bar w/o restaurant 2 Units
– Boarding house 1 ½ Units
– Motel and cabins, 6 units or less 1 ½ Units
add for each additional unit ¼ Unit

6. C0mmercial use including retail stores 1 Unit

– Gas station 1 Unit
add for each washing stall 1 Unit
– Laundromat – 1st washer 1 Unit
add for each additional washer ¼ Unit
– Marina w/o boat waste facility 1 Unit
– Marina with boat waste facility 2 Units

7. Public school 20 Units

8. Municipal Building 2 Units

9. Other public buildings 1 Unit

Exceptions: Hay Memorial Library ¼ Unit
Pickering Beach Museum ¼ Unit

10. Industrial establishments – 1 unit for every
15 employees

11. Any use not listed as determined by Board of Trustees.

Section 3.

It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, or other designated official to make a survey annually or at
such times as may be required by the Board of Trustees, to determine whether there is being discharged into the sewer system from any real property, sewage or other wastes in the opinion of such Superintendent, contains unduly high concentrations of solids or any other substances adding to the operating costs of the sewer system. Upon the completion of such survey he shall file with the Board of Trustees a report of his findings indicating whether additional sewer rent charges should be levied for such sewage or other wastes, and if so, he shall set forth recommended charges for the same. The Board of Trustees is authorized to fix and determine such additional sewer charge therefore as shall be equitable in addition to the sewer rents provided for by the preceding paragraphs of this section.

Section 4.

All sewer rents shall be due and payable at the office of the Village Treasurer quarterly at the same time as the water rent for such period be due and payable, or on such other date or dates, or for such other periods as may be determined by the Board of Trustees. In additional to the sewer service charge or rental provided in this section according to the rate specified therein, a further charge of ten percent (10%) of the amount so determined shall be added thereto in each case of failure to make payment on or before the date on which the rent for such period is due, and the total thus obtained shall be the sewer rental in each case.

Section 5.

This Local Law shall become effective immediately.

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