Youth Basketball Registration 

Category: City News

Wind Storm Debris Cleanup

Sackets DPW will do another round of debris cleanup – weather permitting, it will be next week. Residents are responsible for down trees and debris on their own property and will need to move the debris to the roadside in order for the DPW to pick it up.

Zoning News-2024-1.1

Our village of Sackets Harbor has enjoyed and benefited from comprehensive zoning since 1989. These regulations have been updated several times, the latest being in 2023. They are available on the village website. We are fortunate to have dedicated village residents volunteer to serve on both our Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals as … Continued

Zoning News- 2024- 01

2024 January Zoning News 2023 Zoning Recap Jim Corbin, Zoning Enforcement Officer Zoning Laws were enacted to protect the health and welfare of residents and visitors. They protect the investments residents and businesses make in their properties. They foster and control economic growth and protect the Village’s natural and historic resources…all of which make Sackets … Continued

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