Youth Basketball Registration 

Category: City News

Zoning News- Can I fill an application on-line?

Can I fill an application on-line? Application forms are available from the Village website.  They must be returned to the clerk with the fee. Click here to view forms Click here to view – Planning and Zoning FAQ

Zoning News- Do I need a permit for a shed? A fence?

Do I need a permit for a shed? A fence? Sheds and fences are structures that require a permit.  Sheds must meet setback dimensions from property lines.  Placement should be illustrated on a site-map submitted with an application. Sheds and fences erected within the Historic Preservation Overlay District are subject to site-plan review and approval … Continued

Zoning News- Do I need a permit to paint my house or replace the roof?

Do I need a permit to paint my house or replace the roof? Outside the Historic Preservation Overlay District painting and roof replacement are considered maintenance and repair and do not require a permit. Within the Historic Preservation Overlay District re-painting with the same colors is maintenance and repair, no permit required. A change of … Continued

 Zoning News- When is a Zoning Permit required?

 When is a Zoning Permit required? Our Zoning Law states: “No building or structure shall be erected, enlarged or demolished, no use shall be instituted, changed, or enlarged, and no other action governed by this Local Law shall be initiated until a zoning permit has been issued.” In simple terms Zoning relates to use of … Continued

Public Notice- Sidewalk snow

Snow Removal and Plowing Policy Snow & Ice Removal Our DPW crew is on call 24 hours, 7 days a week during the snow and ice season. They plow village streets, place salt for ice control, cut back snow banks to improve sight distance and clear crosswalk entrances and certain pedestrian areas. They ensure safe … Continued

Hometown Military Heroes 2024 Banner Program

Village of Sackets Harbor & Town of Hounsfield HOMETOWN MILITARY HEROES 2024 BANNER PROGRAM In honor of those who have served, the Village of Sackets Harbor are displaying military heritage banners on utility poles in the spring and summer, continuing a community tradition. If you’d like to honor someone who has served their country with … Continued

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